Please read carefully.
For urgent concerns: please page us at 1-855-539-3016.
An urgent concern is something that you need to speak to the midwife about immediately.
Some examples are:
- Labour, click here for information on when to call in labour
- Vaginal bleeding
- Severe abdominal pain
- Dizziness, headaches, dimness or blurring of vision
- Excessive swelling of feet, hands or face. Some swelling of your hands and feet is normal during pregnancy. However, if you are experiencing sudden onset of swelling—particularly in your face, or swelling in your legs above your ankles—you should page.
- Sometimes issues arise that aren’t as urgent as labour, but which are important enough to require a response that day. For these issues, please page your midwife between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm.
- Have a look at our Common Reasons a Midwife Gets Paged sheet as it might be helpful.
We have a 24-hour paging service. Your page will be answered by a representative of the OnCall Center. Please do the following:
- Tell the representative if the situation is urgent or non-urgent
- Describe briefly why you are paging (for instance, labour, bleeding, breastfeeding issue)
- Give your name and phone number
- Stay off the phone so we can easily reach you
The OnCall Centre will then contact us with your message. If your concern was urgent and you have not heard from us within 20 minutes call again and ask the OnCall Centre representative to try again. It is important to remember that we may be in a location within Renfrew County where cell phone service is inadequate. We will make every effort to have a midwife accessible at all times.
For non-urgent concerns and before each appointment:
Please call 613-687-6333 or 1-833-687-6333
This number is used for non-urgent questions, to check if clinic is ‘on’ or ‘cancelled’, and to reschedule appointments. Messages are checked daily and your call will usually be returned within 2 business days.
- If we have cancelled clinic due to a birth, we will leave a message on our voice message system saying the clinic has been cancelled. Please call this number 30 minutes before each appointment and listen to the message to avoid disappointment and ensure that we are there. We will call you to reschedule your appointment.