Lactation Consultants in Renfrew County.
List compiled November 2021
Lois O’Brien, 613-735-8049, one-time fee of $25 in Pembroke/ Petawawa ($40 for outlying areas). Call between 8am & 10pm only
Mary Ann Vaillancourt, 819-431-4056, or, free of charge, in person breastfeeding support
Pembroke Regional Hospital, 613-732-2811 x6438 (Patty Keon IBCLC) breastfeeding support up to 7 days post partum for patients who delivered at PRH. Call to make appointment, in-hospital services only.
Petawawa Breastfeeding Drop-In, PCFHC *currently by appt only – 613-687-7641 (Heidi Krebsz, NP) wait times are about 1 week before appt availability
Renfrew County and District Health Unit – Family Health intake M-F 8:30-4:30 613-735-8651 x589
Public Health Nurse will call back within 24 hrs. PH Nurses are available for breastfeeding support in home or in office (Wednesdays and Fridays). In home appointments usually within a 24 hour time period. **not an IBCLC service, free of charge
Milkface (Ottawa), 613-596-1170, or, online/ video chat appointments available, book online. Email & phone support available for ongoing issues (see website, $25 for a set time period of support). 30 min video chat = $65 / 60 min video chat = $120
Susan Wheat IBCLC (Ottawa – online visits available) 613-447-8726,